
Time to start enjoying again!

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For me some of the magic and excitement of what we are about to embark upon in a little under a week and a half has been lost for me recently, but now it is time to get this back, in many ways I know it may be seen as a bit selfish and maybe even insensitive to those not going, and for this I do apologise, but I want to start enjoying the build up to the semi final again!

I have followed Pompey all over the country over the years, making some of the longest journeys by various means including one of the longest there is in English football, Plymouth to Sunderland – and for a midweek game no less, but I do not think that anything has ever compared to the trip to Old Trafford when we beat United 1-0 to gain our place in the semi final. That day was absolutely fantastic, I was buzzing for a whole week after, I was literally on a high as though I had taken a cocktail of drugs, which I had not as I do not touch the stuff – then suddenly I had the almost inevitable come down, and this has lasted since?

The joy turned to anxiety at the worry of getting a ticket firstly for myself, it then turned to worry that others might not get a ticket, the fiasco of Ticketmaster and the stories of disappointment that followed got to me, my anxiety to make sure as many of my friends and family could get tickets and as many people as possible that deserve to be at Wembley get to Wembley blinded me and for the past week and a bit since that high ended I had almost totally lost sight of what the whole thing was about, and lost the enjoyment of it – it is time to get this back!

Do not get me wrong, I am really sorry for those that are not currently going, and maybe might not get to go, even more so if you genuinely deserve to be there – and in your heart of hearts you know if this is true – I genuinely am, but I want that buzz back that I was feeling after going to Old Trafford, I want to enjoy the next 7-10 days leading up to going to Wembley, I want to start remembering exactly why it is I wanted to go so badly anyway again and why it is going to mean so much for me to be there, above all I want to enjoy again?

Clearly I am not turning my back on helping others but it is time for me to get perspective back, I have tried and tried to help people out – as others have me, and I am eternally grateful for their efforts – I have taken text, phone call and email after email, as well as made all of these in equally high, if not higher numbers going out but I think I have all but exhausted all avenues that I personally can so as said as sorry as I am for those that might miss out, although I will not rub it in peoples noses or abandon trying to help I want to start enjoying the build up again.

As said the Ticketmaster fiasco encountered by many I think has taken the gloss off for many of us, the extra tickets people were trying to get when they couldn’t – and what this might result in, tickets being sold on t’internet – or at least attempted to – and glory hunters jumping on the bandwagon has annoyed us but, if you are like me and had lost site of this historical and amazing event we are about to be part of lets start enjoying it again eh!

Wembley, Wembley, we’re the boys from Portsmouth City and we’re off to Wembley?
Wembley, Wembley, we’re the boys from Portsmouth City and we’re off to Wembley? altogether now?


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