Stop yer moaning and get yer kit ON !

It isn’t wrong for clubs to change their kits each year .. So stop yer whinging and cough up for a new shirt… A view from Sneakay, Vital Pompey’s Fashion Policeman

Well as we close on what was a stressful season and start to look forward to a Summer of speculation and rumour about takeovers, signings and re-building our famous old club, one question sure to be on everybody’s lips is ‘What will Pompey be wearing next season?’

Now, some have already claimed to have seen our ‘new kit’, whereas, others have shot the so called ‘inside knowledge’ down in flames, but whatever colour, design or style our boys turn out in next season the annual debate of ‘Is it right for football clubs to churn out kit after kit, year after year?’ will no doubt begin.

Personally, I don’t subscribe to the ‘buy a new shirt each season’ brigade, but I know plenty that do and plenty that moan about it. Others just accept it as ‘part of the ‘commercial’ game’ and I can see their point of view too, but..

During last week’s ‘Chew The Fat’ Sneakay put forward a very logical yet (sure to be) ‘controversial’ question and I for one had to sit back and consider my answer, but ..

Rather than me provide my view I thought I would open it up to the rest of the readers and see how you would respond to the question, which comes from the other side of what is generally known as the ‘they are ripping us off’ camp

Sneakay’s question was ..

Is it wrong that clubs release a new football kit each year? Really?

He explains ..

At the end of the day it is an item of clothing for many people and gets worn more often than a lot of other things in their wardrobes.

And goes on to say..

You don’t hear people complaining that Ralph Lauren has just released a new shirt with slightly different buttons two months later, or that Nike have knocked out another pair of trainers in a different colour only 6 months since the last pair.

So what do you think ?

Does Sneakay have a point or do you think clubs should act a little more responsibly towards their ‘customers’?

Post your thoughts below

P.S. Our new kit is actually sunflower yellow with variously sized, randomly placed, shocking pink hexagonals on it .. oh nearly forgot.. it has a lime green trim too.

I know.. I’ve seen it !

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