What does Pompey mean to you?

PompeyFrippy wants to know ‘what does Pompey mean to you?’ Read on for more, and get involved and share your thoughts.

One of the great things about Vital Pompey is the vast mixing pot of fans it groups together. It mixes the young with the not so young, the rich with the poor, and those geographically near to the club with those at the other side of the world. No two Pompey fans can honestly say they have shared the same experiences and defining how much of a role the club plays in one’s life will vary from person to person.

That being said, I want to hear from all you fans out there about what the club means to you. I want to concoct an article based on answers I get from other fans and share everyone else’s stories with one another. Basically, the question I am asking is “What does Pompey mean to you?

Now your answer can be one line or 2 pages long, it can contain whatever sort of details you like and can be broad or well detailed, whatever feels right. After about a week, I will write up a report based on the answers given, adding some of my own feelings, to what should make a very interesting read. Separately, I shall also release all those entrees in their entirety.

Those who do help out by sending their thoughts can choose to keep their feelings anonymous if they so wish, but please let me know this in the e-mail (e-mail PompeyFrippy). There are two ways to share your story with me, on the forum, or via e-mail (e-mail PompeyFrippy). I would prefer to get entries through e-mail as it can then be shared as a whole at the end, but if this doesn’t suit feel free to use the forum thread, as participation is the main objective here, the more people who contribute, the more interesting and versatile the story will be.

So get your answers to me below, on this link – here, or via e-mail, and if you are reading this as a non-Vital Pompey member, what better way to start getting involved?

Written by PompeyFrippy.

The views within this article are the views of the individual who wrote and submitted this piece, sometimes solely theirs. They are not necessarily shared by the Vital Pompey Site Journalists.

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